Imprints of Rurality in Early Childhood Education

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Olga Lucia Olaya


This pedagogical reflection approaches the organization of the work developed during 2019 in the Early Childhood Care Unit Manitas creativas, of initial education of Colsubsidio, in the Municipality of Chocontá, which operates in partnership with the Gobernación de Cundinamarca. The pedagogical strategies that mobilize the playtime and interaction with visual, sound and body material, based on the creation of learning moments proposed by the teacher and the pedagogical assistant, are organized through the organization of the classroom project, “Si de bichos e insectos se trata”, as a thematic finding that emerges from the observation and attentive listening of the boys and girls. Thanks to this project, it is possible to identify interests that link boys and girls aged 2 to 5 in a multilevel classroom, in line with the recognition of the singularities of the rural context in which they grow. The consolidation of the proposal is strengthened from the identity of the teacher and pedagogical assistant of the Unit, their trajectories of life, and their connections with rurality.


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