Aletheia. Journal of Human Development and Social Education Contemporary (ISSN: 2145-0366) is an electronic journal of the areas of social and human sciences, on a biannual basis, founded in 2008 in Colombia, as part of the International Master programs develop by Foundation for Education and Human Development CINDE, in agreement with the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO. His management and publishing is done through OpenJournal Systems (OJS), following the principle of open access to knowledge.

Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): Enero - Junio : Revista Aletheia

Published: 2024-04-12

Relevance in higher education

a quick look at the contributions in the last decades

Juan Esteban Lozano Plazas, Carlos Arturo Monje Álvarez, Julián Adolfo Ramírez Gutiérrez, Alexander Quintero Bonilla, Jaime Polanía Perdomo, Martha Isabel Barrero Galindo, German Alfonso López Daza, Silvia Leonor Olivera Plaza, Nicolás Arturo Núñez Gómez


Observatory of Inclusive Higher Education - OESI

Jorge Hernán Betancourt Cadavid, María del Mar Rúa Lavao, Laura Soto, Laura Velásquez Caro


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